Wednesday, July 16, 2014

I love a good dam

Faithful Miguel was there for us at 730. We checked out, stored the bags and then it was off to view a short film, which nearly induced sleep at such as early hour. I think it was on the dam. Anyway, we hopped in a bus, put on our hard hats and visited the joint Brazil/Paraguay dam/hydro facility, not really sure how to describe it all but i will try. I saw a dam and it was good. Really good actually. We went underground to check out the turbos, took lots of photos and left.  

We had our chauffer drop us off at the main shoopping centre on the way home. I guess its like a wanna be Westfield. A lot of shops but not many people. Bought a shirt, ate lunch at Bobs Burgers then went on a long walk ( aka getting lost).

Finally back at the hotel we used the facilities, tried unsuccessfully again to change our Quantas seats and then went on a more organised walk.

Miguel picked us up, we once more went through the dodgy security at Iguazu and headed to Sao Paulo which is in the opposite direction to where we go on the next flight.  

As i waited for our growing luggage collection to arrive, annette went to figure out the taxi situation, not knowing that once you walk out the doors, you cant come back in. Sort of a reverse Hotel California situation.

Luckily in trying to convey the situation to me in sign language, i didnt leave. I got the bags, she found the taxis( all one million of them), and off we went for our expensive 5 hour sleep.

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