Thursday, April 18, 2019

Say Bye Bye

So in my year or so of training for the World Championsips, I have remembered 3 key points. The first is that chocolate milk is good for recovery. The second is to keep up my salt intake through the eating of salt and vinegar chips (or maybe I just made some of that up), and last, do not watch what the baggage handlers do with your bike. I wish I had paid attention to the last one . Ouch. I hope that the bubble wrap works.
The wait in the Tax Refund Scheme line is always an adventure.  The question often asked by staff is "do you live in Australia?" The response can be yes, no and maybe, usually by the same customer.
I nailed my chicken or beef prediction for the main meal, drank lots of water, lost the battle for the arm rest on both sides, watched movies I had deliberately not seen in case they were on a plane one day, and finally figured out that the best way to sleep is with a musical playlist of songs you have never heard.
Flight was smooth. I seriously didn't even realise we had taken off or landed, apart from the 16 hours in a seat that needed 3 people to make it recline.
Of course, the movie I was watching as we landed in Doha still had 20 minutes to go.....   and it wasn't on the 2nd flight. I cannot believe that in my tired and hungry state,  I settled for a Sandra Bullock movie. The shame will live on forever.

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