Sunday, May 5, 2019

The goblet of fire

Harry Potter had it easy. Run through a maze, find a cup, get the better of Voldemort and wait for the next book.
For us, the maze of Toledo was all too real and hilly. Over 28,000 steps for the day in an extremely confusing assortment of every religion's buildings in one area. Cathedrals? I'm done with them. In and out in 3 minutes. Mosques, maybe 10 minutes, but the guy at ticketing let us in free. Two pretty average big salads that were overpriced, but generally a good place to get lots of pics of old stuff, in between getting lost non stop. 










The trains there and back were great.
The great marathon which has been our holiday is almost over. We gave up for dinner and had burgers and chips (Europe needs to learn the value of BBQ sauce).
I think we are mostly packed. We have checked out how to get to the airport, arranged a breakfast pack and it's all systems go. If they don't have the movie I have half an hour to watch from the first flight over, I will be quite sad. but not as sad as back to work Tuesday will be.

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