Saturday, July 16, 2022

Today. Bastille Day.

Claire, our own personal tour guide gave strict instructions that 0945 was the time we would leave. This gave me plenty of time to do a 5km run, after an early breakfast of left over pizza. Run done, I returned and made the rookie mistake of describing the markets I had stumbled upon between the 3 and 4 km mark. Off ran Annette and Tabitha while Riley continued his hour long shower.....we left late.
The 2 marketeers could not be found so we were running a little more late. Riley went to find them, but they arrived. I went to get Riley etc etc.
1st stop pastries, then a walk around Le Marais (the old part of Paris), then off to a crepe place called Breizh Cafe I should have run 10km.
Then to the Louvre to brush up on my spotting of naked women and weird looking children that is apparently called art. We saw Mona (not the Craig McLaughlin, Check 1,2,3 song of the 80's). Also saw Venus and some other art. The best thing was that today it was free. I mean the art was the best.
More of Paris by foot was followed by a trip to the Frog Hopper Pub to escape the 5pm 32 degree heat. Got to see the last 20 km of the Tour. The day just kept getting better. 
Through some gardens we walked on the way to our excellent meal on the bank of the Seine, where I wished I had done 15km this morning.
It's 930pm at the moment. We have secured our spot on a bridge that the Editor will fill in later (Pont de la Concorde - Editor), awaiting the fireworks near the Eiffel Tower, that kick off at 11pm (when it gets dark).
Oh, I forgot the air show that went overhead, out of nowhere.
The fireworks were a little late, starting at about 1110 pm. We found our spot on the bridge and waited patiently for 2 and a half hours, fiercely protecting our territory from all comers trying to push their way in.
We also ate tapas on the left much food. The equation for Paris seems to be eat - steps = weight gained or lost. 90km walked in 4 days so far.
And I feel that we may have broken the World record for the amount of Drunken Bastille Day revellers fitting into a single train carriage.

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