Thursday, July 2, 2015

Ferris Bueller you're my hero

There were a few things left to do. 

We went to the viewing area of a really tall building. Editor, please insert name of building here (360 Chicago orJohn Hancock Observatory). We are pretty sure when Ferris Bueller had his day off, he went to this viewing area.

Then it was to Portillo's for hot dogs and monster thick shakes. Mmmmm calories.
Annette decided to ask the woman taking the order the difference between 2 of the hot dogs. I feared a Soup Nazi moment but we ended up getting cheese on her hot dog for free. At last we are making financial inroads. The hot dogs were great and different. Not just your slice of pickle but one that extended the length of the bun.

More shopping, a quick powernap and a train and long, long walk to the planetarium where I may or may not have spent $28.50 to sleep through the movie.

Totally spent, both physically and financially, we made the long walk back to the hotel, stopping only to buy dinner. Rather than a restaurant we picked a self serve Whole Foods shop where food is bought by the pound. I divided the cost by 2 and gave thanks for the couple of miles I churned out on the treadmill in the morning.

But wait, there's more. On the way to buying dinner we came upon a Ghiradeli chocolate store where free samples were being distributed. DNA made us enter and in her best American accent Annette declared "I shall return". That's when we got into the discussion about whether a thick shake for lunch constituted a "one and only dessert for the day". It was like being in school doing a debate where one side was always going to win. Her argument was that a thick shake for lunch with a hot dog is a drink. Whatever my argument was, I lost. 

Annette chose the butterscotch sundae. They were out. She chose  the sundae with the piece of chocolate brownie. They were out. "Oh no, there could be carnage" I thought. Luckily her third choice was ok and we sat down to late night evil. Of course she could not finish hers so I ended up paying for her greed. I may need to start looking for bigger pants.

Chicago is great and I'm looking forward to spending my money, if there is any left, on golf clubs that I don't need when I'm back for my final day.

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