Thursday, July 9, 2015

The trouble with blogs

We are seriously running on empty. Getting back to the motel late leaves no time to write blogs so 2 days later I'm writing a blog just before midnight. 

We started with the 9/11 memorial. I'm sort of lost for words. Very sad place and a well done memorial. Was very surprised we were there for four hours.

Lunch at 2pm at the Amish store, once again put New York style food into our potentially and probably expanding bellies. 

Then to the museum of modern art.  From what I can tell, anything can be art. there was a giant poo on one of the gallery floors. Well four actually. I guess I do art every day, except for the early part of this holiday. 

There was a giant painting of scribble. I guess the wall near the kids room of our house is a piece of art. 

Andy Warhols soup collection? What were you on Andy? Not soup I guess.

An Irish Pub for dinner and then it was off to Jersey Boys. Poker Face on.

Walked to the station through Times Square. Unbelievable the amount of people out at late night.

I am assuming we made it back home. My mind is scrambled and body is giving up on me.

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