It's a tradition to take this day off so that I can sit on my lounge at home and watch the game but this time it's not on Monday.
Day started with a drive through carless streets. That was some relief from the idiot road design.
We walked through the site of the 1936 World Fair, taking in the Art Deco buildings. For those less knowledgeable than me, Art Deco can be translated to Curvy Bits on Buildings.
We then proceeded to successfully win our battle with a parking meter and made our way to the Sixth Floor Museum. I found it to be very eerie just being at the spot that the whole thing went down (Editor's note: where Lee Harvey Oswald assassinated JFK). As Molly would say "do yourself a favour".
We then headed to the Farmers Markets to try free samples of extremely overpriced jams and chili sauce. Saying that, I did buy one of the said chili sauces as I think the sample tasted nice. I had little feeling in my mouth due to over consumption of hot stuff.
We had lunch there and headed back to put on new lounge pants and get ready for the game. Annette went for a walk while I looked after the lounge.
(Editor's note: Texans love their murals)
I must say that a 38-35 game should have been entertaining but I'm putting it in my list of worst games ever. Perhaps it's because I hate the Chiefs.
The ads were mostly spectacular, with the ones for you to seek out being the Breaking Bad Doritos and The Pepsi Zero Sugar with various celebrities e.g. Steve Martin.
Our Aldi Buffalo Wings and Frozen Chips were spectacular.
Post game, and because I paid good money to stay here, and because my body needed it, I went to the gym. Two miles on the treadmill with the only break coming the 3 times the lights turned off, as they were on motion sensors.
Did I remember it all? I'm operating on a 24 hour delay so I hope so.