Sunday, February 12, 2023

I only know two words to the song

What may or may not have been a spectacular post, was deleted from the stratosphere somehow earlier today. This post is a tribute.
Up early to head to Galveston. As soon as I knew we were going there, I started singing the Glen Campell song, called Galveston. The trouble is, the only words and tune of the song I know is the "Galveston Oh Galveston" part. If you are under the age of, let's say, old, you will have no idea what just transpired.
Anyway, I've been singing this short part of the song non stop, and it always turns into "Birmingham" by John Paul Young. My mind is a very complex place.
Having once again survived the traffic, we found ourselves a free 2 hour parking spot. 
We went in search of the Visitor Information Centre but couldn't find it. Next best thing is to drop in at the Rocky Mountain Chocolate Factory, ask them and spend way too much money on chocolate in appreciation.
The lady at the Visitor Information Centre didn't give us much info. She did show us some very nice public toilets and couldn't contain her excitement when she found out we were Australian. 
There are many stalls and tents being set up, which are apparently for tonight's Mardi Gras. This event has brought every old retired American and their ridiculously-sized caravans to town. It also caused the closure of most of the antique shops. Yay! I mean oh :(.
We then drove off to the beach,  which is essentially the start of the Gulf of Mexico. Once again, the eternal search for free parking began. That's when we found the parking at the giant sports store, for use by customers only. So we made ourselves customers and it turns out the use of the car park cost us $50 in merch. Pictured are car, store, car park and thumb.Lucky for us that the Houston Texans stuff was heavily discounted because they suck, and then it was discounted more.Say hello to my new lounge pants.
Off to lunch we went. Annette had the stuffed prawns, I mean shrimp,  while I toned things down a little and had a Cardiac Burger and the best fries ever.
After lunch we walked along the beach of the Gulf.
Then headed back to Houston and the never ending fight with traffic and changing through 6 lanes of said traffic before your exit disappears in the rear view. 
Home briefly to add some layers and off to an underwhelming thing that the Editor will explain. (James Turrell's Twilight Epiphany Skyspace - I thought it would have music and moving colours but apparently it's more of a 'reflective' thing, so colours slowly changing)
Then it was off to a water feature in the dark that the Editor saw while the driver circled the block many times. Rumours of her stepping in mud are true.
Apparently Texas means more bbq, so we didn't disappoint. Every part of my stomach hurts. Not from exercise (we have missed 5 promised stretching classes in a row now). 
I think I remembered ok. 

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