Wednesday, February 15, 2023


Our battle with parking meters was lost in Fort Worth this morning. Why do they all need apps that we can't download? The parking station was happy to relieve us of money. The City is a sad place where nothing happens. I took 3 photos. 
Then it was off 3 miles down the road to Fort Worth stockyards and free parking. Winner winner! The town had an old western feel about it. We watched the pretend cattle drive consisting of Longhorns who looked tired of doing the same thing everyday. 
Checked out the tourist shops. Failed in my attempt to find the Manic Hispanic cd that I desperately need. Made our way to an antique shop and then hit the accelerator as the Navigator decided she wanted pancakes and taking "no" was not an option. My largely improved driving skills got us there with enough minutes to spare to get a small order of the much needed pancakes.
Back to Dallas and guess where we went? A hunt. It starts with an Antique Shop. From here we drove around the venue trying to suss out parking (Editor's note: for going to a basketball game tonight). The closer to the arena, the higher the cost. We settled for 15 minutes away. We need the steps desperately. 
Back home. Pack bags. Throw frozen chips in oven. Finish off Superbowl wings and off to the game. Kyrie and Luca played. There was an actual wedding at half time and the Mavs D sucks. It was made surprisingly more enjoyable up in the 3rd tier by being able to hear the bounce of the ball and the swoosh of made shots.

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