Friday, September 22, 2017

Tog Bog e

For the past few days we have been seeing a sign, mostly near roadworks. It read Tog Bog e. Google has now informed me when I asked in my husky voice (yeah I'm sick on holidays) that it means "Take it easy ".
With the airport only an hour away (I've heard that before) it was a relaxed start to the day.
By relaxed, I mean going for a 3km run on a road barely wide enough to fit me. Seems as though footpaths were deemed as evil in the dark ages and they just never got around to building any.  Not sure how I would have managed an escape had 2 cars come along at the same time but luckily there was only ever 1, but it was still fortunate that I was wearing brown undies.

Despite the conversation the evening before, Jeremy was dismayed that Annette had eaten all of the mushrooms but did exact revenge by eating my banana. He also ate just about everything else put in his path.

After a quick visit to the Dingle village for lunch provisions we made our way to Kerry airport.

On to the smallish plane and we arrived in Dublin. 40 euros and an eternity later, our taxi delivered us safely to our apartment where working out how to use the tv was a priority (It's been a long tv-less time).
The other 3 departed for food provisions whilst I wrestled with the fact that out of 130 tv channels, none contained sport.
At 7pm it was off to find a pub with music and eat something. Although the pub food is great, I need a "noodles in a cup" night. We walked a lot and finally settled on a place that was full, so our waiter from Marrickville moved us next door. The meal was good, Jeremy ordered too much again and we made our way back through the crowds to home.

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