Thursday, July 18, 2024


I think Barcelona may just be my favourite place on Earth to visit, despite our fights with the uncooperative metro ticketing system. First up was ... wait for it ... a big church. It may be a cathedral or a basilica, but it's a church. It was big. Bigger than the last time we saw it. (Sagrada Familia)
No climbing spiral staircases today as we are nursing Nanna through a big day. It's awesome both inside and out.  
We checked out some Gaudi architecture, moved on to the Gothic area and a lesser Cathedral, oops, church.
And then a visit to the Cagana shop. What is that? It's a shop that sells little figurines, crouching having done a poo. It's part of their nativity scene. Gotta love the Catalonians.
With just a Maccas drink in us, we went from breakfast to 4pm, foodless. Had there been no sausage rolls upon arrival at the Lido arvo tea, there would have been an incident. 
There are lots of new cruisers on board today, doing stupid things and looking lost. I wonder if that was us a week ago?
Back at the gym today. I'm feeling half alive. I despise treadmill runs and did a pilates class, so things are looking up.
Apparently not attending a show in the theatre is some sort of cruise crime, so tonight I went to see the Beat 45s, 60s live music. They were good and sufficiently loud enough so that my coughing couldn't be heard. 
At 9:10pm, room service arrived, the lychee fruit salad only had 1 lychee and at least I enjoyed my meal. I had purchased an on shore Coke. Bubbles at dinner are always a winner.

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